I don’t think I am such an important person that I must be included. My point is that on issues where I haven’t been critical of the NCC I am informed of happenings. An oversight perhaps? I base my experience of how the NCC deals with conflict. There has been enough noise about this issue that I believe they are being proactive about dealing with the compliants. Compliants not dealing with the issues that created the compliants. Defuse the situation quickly because they know that it takes longer the second time for people to get riled up.
I’ve seen them do it to me time and again. Like Craig said just make them follow the contract. Yes I know last year was a low snow year but not so with 2007-2008. This was the highest snow year since 1972. If you remember there were huge ridges (12″) on all the trails. I found out later it was because Demsis had fitted non-floating groomers to the cats which created the ridges. René Bellehumeur or her predecessor said no we won’t enforce the contract to give them a chance. Great precedent and look where we are today with the same issue because of NCC inaction.