But, you’re right: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
I scratched my head and asked Environment Canada directly. This is what they said:
Hello Charles,
Thank you for sending your message to Environment Canada. The information you’re looking for, whether there is more snow now than in the past, is not something that has already been calculated. However, you can easily check this yourself for the period 1920 to 2006. Here’s the link to the 1920 data for Ottawa CDA.
Once on that page, look at the bottom of the “Total snow” column to see how much snow fell that year. Then, click on “Next year” above or below the table to access the data for 1921 and so on. It will take some work, but all the numbers are there for you to make a comparison. If you feel ambitious, the data even goes back to 1890.
Yours truly,
Bernard Duguay
Meteorological Inquiry Specialist
MSC National Inquiry Response Team ISO 9001:2008 Environment Canada
So I did. And what do I see?
Click on the graph above to enlarge it. I know the old saying that there are 3 kinds of lies; lies, damn lies, and statistics. But it still looks to me like we’re getting less snow than in days of old.
But those early ’70s sure look like great skiing!