Some new houses expected on chemin Carman
Several houses will be built despite NCC purchase according to Le Droit
Property Owners React
Homeowners within Gatineau Park speak out through their associations in reaction to groups seeking national park status.
Protection Committee gets Wikipedia page
The Gatineau Park Protection Committee appeared in Wikipedia today.
Opinion – Highway 5 extension anti-environmental
Nicole DesRoches writes in the LowDown to Hull and Back News (online) that the extension of Highway 5 in the northern part of Chelsea represents a further segmenting of Gatineau Park into what might become "a sort of huge natural zoo."
Protection Committee plans action
According to Le Droit the Gatineau Park Protection Committee has prepared a brief critical of Bill C-37 that it hopes to present to the Standing Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development of the House of Commons in October.
Meech Lake Beach Reopens
O'Brien Beach has reopened after water testing showed no hazard to swimmers and the bloom of cyanobacteria more commonly known as Blue-Green Algae was seen to have diminished.
Beach closure at Meech Lake
A bloom of cyanobacteria more commonly known as Blue-Green Algae has prompted the NCC to temporarily close O’Brien Beach
Ottawa Sun story on Pink Lake
Ron Corbett writes of both the past party days at Pink Lake, his interview with François Leduc on why the NCC had to rehabilitate the lake, and includes some archival photos.
Meech Lake Rehabilitation
Erosion near the outflow of Meech Lake into Meech Creek has caused the NCC to opt to fence off the area to allow it to regenerate over the next few years.