Gatineau Park News News of the Gatineau Park


Cycling on Gatineau Parkways

Your intrepid reporter strapped on his helmet and went to see how far he could get cycling up the Gatineau Parkway before being stopped by the snow.

Not too far.

At this time the Parkway is certainly not passable by bicycle beyond the cliffy roadcut just south of the Hickory Trail. At that point the road becomes solidly covered with snow for extended distances. I did meet someone walking out who said there were some portions of bare road above but for the moment these are disconnected islands of pavement unsuitable for cycling.

Where the Parkway is open there are sometimes banks of snow to one side that in melting make the pavement wet so that even on a nice sunny day your feet and lower legs might get wet with cold spray.

The big arrow shows were the snow became more than bikes can handle. A couple of smaller patches near the uppermost small arrow needed to be walked (by me at least with skinny road bike tires) and the two lower arrows show places where there was still traces of snow in unexpected places. These will likely be gone very soon there is so little, but the hairpin turn on the bicycle path below Gamelin could be dangerous if you hit a little patch of snow while going at speed.

Anyone else who wants to keep people up to date on the expanding pavement can let me know and I'll update.

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  1. Yeah, I went for a bike ride in the park today. Road down Notch and Mine Road.

    Along Mine I passed by the grown over road built by Contractor Calr McInnis, a road leading to the 80+ properties he had subdivided. He planned to build these houses about 300 feet from Pink Lake.

    Well, that didn’t happen. NCC expropriated at a cost of some $7 million.

    Take time to look at the flowers Chuckles… You’ll be amazed at how much they can tell you.

  2. We could talk forever, of what never happened…

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