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What you’ll get: iTunes will deliver the GuideGatineau weekly video straight to your iPhone or iPod Touch.

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Subscribe to GuideGatineau’s YouTube channel
If you’re a YouTube fan AND a fan of Gatineau Park click here.
What you’ll get: The GuideGatineau YouTube channel will be added to your YouTube subscription list and you’ll see the latest episode when it becomes available.


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What you’ll get: If you don’t have an iPhone or iPod Touch iTunes can still deliver the audio portion of GuideGatineau straight to your iPod.

click here or on the iTunes image


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What you’ll get: Your feed reader will let you know whenever a new GuideGatineau episode is posted.

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What you’ll get: Too much information! This feed will tell you every time anyone updates their profile, any time anyone makes a comment on a post or accepts a friend invitation, and more. Come on now, don’t you have a life?