Winter Trails Roundtable

The NCC has distributed to attendees of October 2010′s “Park Dialogue: Winter Trails” meeting a short draft document on how a dialogue might proceed. The proposal is that a group of 19 people meet 3 times per season to discuss winter trail issues in Gatineau Park. A quarter of the makeup of the group is to be NCC and Demsis personnel with the remainder being a majority of park users as well as trail patrollers. There is to be an emphasis on club representation with Chelsea Nordiq, Shinouk, XC-Ottawa, Nakkertok, the Alpine Club of Canada, Oxygène, and Nordicwind all invited to participate.

The first meeting is scheduled to take place January 12, 2011.

The October meeting did not address which issues were to be discussed by the roundtable so it is impossible to say what directions might be taken, however, complaints about trail grooming in past years are believed to have been one of the factors that prompted the NCC to initiate the dialogue.

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