Gatineau Park News News of the Gatineau Park


Your Opinion Please

GuideGatineau is planning to have these promotional cards printed.

But that word FORUMS is a problem.

GuideGatineau is changing and with a new look will also come new ways for users to participate; forums won't be the half of it. Kind of  Facebook Wall-ish or Twitter-esque.

So tell us, what's a snappy way to say that?

One suggestion is YOUR INPUT

Do you have a better suggestion?

And what would the French version be?

Please help by adding your suggestions below or emailing them to [email protected]

Comments (8) Trackbacks (0)
  1. How about: Comments? Commentaires?

  2. Or in a similar vein (but shorter than Community): Tribe? Tribu?

  3. BUZZ has the tone I want but doesn’t imply user contributions as DISCUSS might
    perhaps INTERACT

  4. I was alaso going to suggest INTERACT ;

    ….COMMUNITY is good too.

  5. Taras suggested WALLS

    In fact the designers of BuddyPress originally had WIRE as a WALL alternative. The’ve abandoned that for UPDATES

  6. I like Community. in French this would be: Communauté. Sounds good to me. This could also be Discussions since this could be the same name in French.

    Thanks to those who commented here and others who emailed. There’s no hit-it-out-of-the-park clear winner so I’m going with a fairly boring DISCUSSION.

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