Gatineau Park Cross Country Trail Reports A GuideGatineau partner blog


Skyline -Trail #6 – with a Snowman

I used to look down my nose at no-wax skis. Yesterday I bought a pair. Today I tried them out.

The heavy wet conditions are messy to wax for and the no-wax was a breeze. No backslip at all, though the forward glide wasn't exactly rocket-powered.

Skyline had been skied since the last snow and the human trackset are pretty good but the snow isn't very forgiving. Less clumsy than my last outing during the snow, but still it is the trail forcing the skier's direction, not the skier cutting his/her own path (except when you are all the way out of the existing tracks).

The NCC site had reported "debris can be found on the trails in the forest" and since I hadn't seen that during the storm on Wednesday I was skeptical. But they were right. The heavy snow, before it was shed by the trees, knocked quite a number of branches down.

Here's one across the trail as it climbs away from the last lookout spot on Skyline.


And here's one near where Skyline meets trails #34 and #22. I don't know if you can see it in this picture, but there is actually snow falling at the time this picture was taken, though it was almost +5°C in Ottawa.

small tree down skyline

The sticky snow made for good snowmen and here's one I saw at Wattsford Lookout.

snowman at wattsford lookout

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  1. You can make waxless skis faster by using liquid glider, e.g. Swix Easyglide or F4. Also, clean your skis after each use, as you will pick up other people’s sticky wax, klister.

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