What sort of ads would you expect to find in old Ottawa Ski Club newsletters?
Of course there were ads for equipment; skis, boots,hats, socks.
Here’s one for “witch-elk” ski boots, whatever they are.
Ski fashions; clothes were often called “togs.”
But I was amused to see as the years crept on ads appearing for car frame straightening—presumably for all those bad roads getting to the Gatineaus
—and fabric repair for when you tear your ski togs. Then there was muscle liniment, and if that didn’t do the trick, chiropractors. Still don’t feel better? How about accident insurance?
The best part of this is that the insurance ad includes a picture of the Big Dipper hill from the Merry-Go-Round trail. And if all of that doesn’t satisfy, you’ll have to hire a lawyer.
As a bonus in looking at these old ads, I came across one for these special ski bindings that are supposed to let you “vorlage with ease.” Since Vorlage is the name of the ski hill at Wakefield I turned to my Oxford English Dictionary to find that the word vorlage comes from German and means “to ski” but in particular, to ski leaning forward from the ankle, without lifting your heel.
Three notes:
Devlins became Morgan’s (a branch of the Montreal store) before the latter were taken over by The Bay.
(A.) George McHugh was a long-tme member of the OSC executive, and served as president into the early 70′s. The ads may have been as much to support the newsletters/Yearbook as to drum up business.
While never having used them, I inherited and still have some Super-Diagonals from a lodge clear-out.