Cycling on Gatineau Parkways

Your intrepid reporter strapped on his helmet and went to see how far he could get cycling up the Gatineau Parkway before being stopped by the snow.

Not too far.

At this time the Parkway is certainly not passable by bicycle beyond the cliffy roadcut just south of the Hickory Trail. At that point the road becomes solidly covered with snow for extended distances. I did meet someone walking out who said there were some portions of bare road above but for the moment these are disconnected islands of pavement unsuitable for cycling.

Where the Parkway is open there are sometimes banks of snow to one side that in melting make the pavement wet so that even on a nice sunny day your feet and lower legs might get wet with cold spray.

The big arrow shows were the snow became more than bikes can handle. A couple of smaller patches near the uppermost small arrow needed to be walked (by me at least with skinny road bike tires) and the two lower arrows show places where there was still traces of snow in unexpected places. These will likely be gone very soon there is so little, but the hairpin turn on the bicycle path below Gamelin could be dangerous if you hit a little patch of snow while going at speed.

Anyone else who wants to keep people up to date on the expanding pavement can let me know and I’ll update.

23 Responses to Cycling on Gatineau Parkways

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Cycling on Gatineau Parkways « Gatineau Park News --

  2. We could talk forever, of what never happened…

  3. Well, I went out today (March 28) and was able to complete the loop. I would say about 30% of the ride was on snow… so a mountain bike helps. The snow was pretty dense and riding on it was ok – I guess the cold spell firmed it up. Saw more skiers than cyclists…

  4. @Gat64 – thanks for the report! With the rain and warmer temps, would you care to give your best guesstimate on when the loop might be clear?

  5. Gat64 estimated 30% snowcover on Parkways on Sunday Mar 28 but Environment Canada is predicting temperatures rising to 20°C as the long weekend approaches.

    Could it be 100% open by then? Perhaps.

    It’s those north facing hills and cliff shaded parts that hang on longest.

    Thursday looks like it will be sunny so I’ll plan to do a scouting trip and will report. Other first hand reports welcome.

  6. Looking forward to it Charles, thanks! I might venture up there myself on Friday.

  7. Out yesterday at north end with large tires.

    70-80% firm snow and ice coverage on roads at lake level. Fun riding (with risks) as long as the snow stayed firm.

    Tried some dirt road sections, it was at times soft and resulted in deep tire trenches, left it for a drier day.

    Meech to Phillipe may take a while to melt and dry up.

  8. I am always surprised how long it takes to get rid of the snow. I think too that because of the very packed down nature of the snow this year on the road, that it will take more than next weekend to completely clear – especially on the third curve on Fortune hill – as this spot is always the last to go.

  9. Pics taken on skis on parkway of cyclists on parkway – it’s that between seasons thing

  10. More of the Park from last Saturday.

    After this week’s rain and surge in temps, I would expect that it will be clear up to Champlain (i.e. up the Gatineau Parkway to Champlain Pkwy) with a little bit of portaging near Mulvihill Lake (or is Bourgeois closer to Champlain Lkt? I can never remember).

  11. (edit) “Clear” by Saturday.

  12. I overheard some NCC folks talking about accessing Pink Lake for official type business and saying that from Gamelin there was only one place that needed a 4 wheel drive.

    That would be the corner below the power lines which Greg (above) kindly provided a fairly up to date photo for here

  13. I gotta think that the +24C on Friday will take care of that corner!

  14. There is still full snow coverage on the Fortune Parkway near Ridge Road (March 30). In fact there were ski tracks up the sides of the road from P10 and some are still skiing out to the fire tower from P12 (with portages).

    So another week or so to clear the parkways.

  15. Fortune Parkway may take a little longer, but it looks like the GP is clearing nicely. Shots from Big Ring’s Tuesday ride are here:

    With yesterday’s +16, today’s 20, and tomorrow’s 26 (!!!!!), taking the GP, Champlain Pkwy route to the Lookouts on Saturday should be entirely possible/passable!

    P.S. Happy belated Birthday Big Ring!

  16. You can cycle all the way up the Champlain Parkway with only 2 long snow portages.

    Expect wet feet because there are lots of snow patches streaming water across the blacktop. There are also quite a few places where there are short snow sections.

    But the two biggest snow patches lie on either side of Bourgeois Lake (so ending at the Fortune Parkway junction). They are each a couple of hundred meters long.

  17. Thanks Craig! Sounds like we’re about three weeks ahead of normal! Again, today’s beautiful temps followed by more of the same tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday should wipe out these two portages and put a massive dent in what’s left on Fortune.

  18. Just back from a ride up to Champlain Lookout along Champlain parkway. One 100m stretch and a couple 40m stretches, probably clear by end of day tomorrow !

  19. Pic from Musician-on-Skis (perhaps on bike this time?)

  20. I’m exceedingly pleased to report that the entire loop can be ridden without any portages! There’s a small bit of snow/ice on Keogan which required careful maneuvering at 8 a.m. today, but by now it’s likely widened substantially. Fortune hill was surprisingly clear – no portages and large clear paths through the little bit of ice that remains. By the end of today, I suspect little ice will remain at all. The snow covered sections around Lake Bourgeois are entirely rideable with large clear paths – no need to ride on the grass. Incredible how much snow melted between yesterday and today!!!

  21. Anyone have an update for this week-end?

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